We develop the principles and norms and calculation standard for the true pricing method.
In collaboration with Wageningen University, Bionext, Rabobank, ABN AMRO and topsectoren Agri-food and Horticulture we run a multi-year program to harmonize and standardize the method to calculate true prices in the food sector.
This consultation draft contains the Principles for True Pricing as envisioned by the True Price Foundation. The principles contain the beliefs, norms, and values we endorse to realise the true price vision, defining in practical terms what true pricing means, and setting forth the basis of an applicable method for determining true prices.
The latest, open access version of the monetisation factors for environmental and social impacts, with the aim to facilitate the adoption and application of true pricing, fill a gap in the literature, and accelerate standardisation.
A methodology for the use of true pricing of agri-food products
The True price assessment method for agri-food products contains the key steps to assess the true price of agri-food products and their value chains. More specifically, the document provides modelling guidance and requirements for scoping, data and reporting.
Natural capital modules
Six natural capital modules that contain the key methodological aspects to measure and value the environmental impacts of agri-food products and value chains.
Social and Human capital modules
Three social and human capital modules that contain the key methodological aspects to measure and value the social impacts of agri-food products and value chains.
© 2024 True Price Foundation | Van Diemenstraat 292 | 1013 CR | Amsterdam | The Netherlands
The True Price Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI) and complies with the ANBI Conditions.