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Global Partnership on True Price of Food

About the partnership

The Global Partnership on True Price of Food enables actors in the food sector to embrace and apply true pricing on a large scale. The goal is to provide governments and businesses with the tools they need to make healthy, sustainable and affordable food available for all through true pricing. The partnership will be officially launched at the UNFSS 2023.


Actors in the food system need to be empowered to adopt true pricing for it to be used at scale, currently there are several blockers at the national and global level such as: limited awareness and understanding, the effects of policy interventions are unknown, there is a lack of accepted standards, data, accessible technology and tools and regulatory blockers.



The Global Partnership on True Price of Food is a collaboration between governments, business, and civil society, all working on or with true pricing in the food sector.

Benefits of joining the partnership


To learn more about the partnership and/or to join the
partnership, please contact